Interested in Organizing a DNM workshop?

    Organizing a DermoNeuroModulating Workshop.....                  

CONTACT Michael Reoch


Lab days: Treatment directed toward nerves of the body: 6-8 labs per day. See “DERMONEUROMODULATION: Treating the body as if the nervous system really mattered” for more detailed information.

Each lab is preceded by a short slide presentation tracing the nerves from their spinal nerve roots through their plexus, considering their regional anatomy. 

* A treatment manual can be supplied beforehand to allow for translation. The host will pay for printing. 

It is recommended that each student purchases the book DermoNeuroModulating. This can be done through major online booksellers (link to Amazon)


Proposed format3 days 

  • Lab days can run from 9 am-5 pm or 8:30 am-4:30 pm. 

  • Four days: recommended:

  • where English is not a first language, and translation is required

  • where participants come from varied manual therapy backgrounds and shorter lengths of experience

  • if desired by the organizer

The explanatory content presentation introduces:

  • Sensory processing by the CNS

    • Introduction and a history of pain models from Dezcarts to Melzack’s neuromatrix body/self/pain model and beyond

    • How the sensory nervous system evolved, its characteristics, and associated terms.

    • Spinal cord: particular part of CNS

    • Teaching patients about pain

    • How to build a treatment context for patients in pain

    • Descending modulation, non-specific effects

  • Neuroanatomy of the PNS

    • Tunnel syndromes, care and feeding of neurons

    • Neuropathic pain: clinical description 

    • Cutaneous sensory receptors

    • Cutaneous nerves and their entrapment possibilities

    • Treatment concepts and goals




  • arranges workshop and registration (up to 24 participants; more can be accommodated if a teaching assistant who has already taken the workshop is made available)

  • provides certificates and evaluation forms

  • markets the workshop

  • prints and provides hard copies of the manual to participants*

  • provides a venue equipped with treatment tables for every two or three participants

  • provides Dycem enough that each participant will receive three squares, each about 13-14 cm (5”) on each side

  • provides knee bolsters, ideally one per table (10 inches or 25 cm high)

  • offers snacks and beverages for scheduled breaks

  • name tags for everyone

  • includes projector, screen, a mic if necessary

  • arranges and pays transportation, accommodation, and meal costs for the presenter

  • Pays teaching fee directly after the workshop ends, Canadian funds or equivalent in US funds or Euros, cash or cheque preferred

* A treatment manual can be supplied beforehand to allow for translation. The host will pay for printing. 

Alternately, the book DermoNeuroModulating is available through major online booksellers (link to Amazon)


  • provides simple learning tools, small items

  • provides a transparent explanatory model congruent with neuroanatomy

  • provides demonstrations of techniques and oversees the labs, assisting participants as much as possible, interacting and answering questions

  • supplies pdfs of all presentations to the participants (tell them to bring memory sticks for this)